History & Waterworks

Goulburn Historic Waterworks

The Goulburn Waterworks is the only complete, operational, steam powered municipal water supply, left in its original location in the Southern Hemisphere.  The site sits alongside the picturesque Wollondilly River and is of state significance for its historic, associative, social, aesthetic, and representative values.  In addition, the Goulburn Waterworks is of national significance for its scientific/technical and rarity values.  The Pumphouse building itself is a fine and pleasing example of its type, which demonstrates a high level of aesthetic achievement related to the Victorian Georgian style of architecture, applied in this instance to an important civic infrastructure building.

The Pumphouse Building is the centrepiece of the site and is surrounded by attractive gardens and green spaces which are maintained by skilled and dedicated volunteers. A new accessible pathway leads you to the edge of the Wollondilly River for a close-up of a variety of birdlife who call this part of the river their home.

The grounds often host wedding and naming ceremonies as well as community events.

The engines operate through the year and the School House Tea Room is open on these days.

More information can be found on our website:  https://www.goulburnwaterworks.com.au/